It's time to bring up the insulated panels onto the roof which has proved challenging. Before, when we were installing the panels, we simply moved them up onto the master suite floor and then hoisted them up onto the roof. Now, with the walls on the master suite up and the roof enclosed, we have to figure out a way to get the panel up over the overhang and onto the roof. While not too heavy, they are bulky. Greenbay has devised a simple bridge or crane using some 2 x 4's nailed onto the peak of the roof. We have borrowed Mike Hagen's large pulley and rope he uses for hoisting buckets of mortar to high elevations. We drill a hole in each panel attach the rebar hook through the panel and then pull the rope and watch the panel find its way to the top of the roof. We call his device the Green Bay Bridge.
Today is payday and usually several of my help leave early to take care of banking needs since there is no bank or ATM in Rico. Still they have managed to attach panels and complete the south side of the roof. Pat, as usual, is on the roof helping R.D. screw the panels into the rafters below.
Bill and I have to ready the garage door opening for the installation of the garage door on Monday. We have had to attach flat rough cut 2 x 6's to the inside of the jamb which will accept the garage door track. A simple job in most cases, but here, dealing with inconsistent thicknesses of logs makes the job tougher and we have to notch the logs all the way down the edge of the trim board so they fit tight against the jamb. Bill has also been completing the final sections of Tyvek in areas on the house. Hopefully by tomorrow we will have that job completed as well as a few small sections of steel on the roof finished.
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