I had the great fortune this morning of instant messaging my good friend, Surin, in Thailand. If you haven't checked out the Western Forest Conservation Club's (WFCC), please click on the link on this blog. This small group of Thai men and women does an amazing job in protecting one of the last and largerst great forests remaining in all of southeast Asia. It's called Thungyai and it is part of the great Western Forest Complex. If you have ever considered giving to a charity, these folks are for real and have made a huge difference in Thungyai. I hope you'll check it out and find it interesting reading about what these guys are up to. I have had the simple pleasure of visiting Thungyai on 2 separate occasions....
Surin, if you are reading this, this blog posting is dedicated to you and all WFCC members. I have promised to send you pictures of what the mountains look like here and today I traveled across Lizard Head Pass in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado. I stopped and took some photos. Lizard Head Pass is over 10,000 feet in elevation and Lizard Head Peak is well over 13,000. I hope you will come in the following year and enjoy a few days of this beautiful place. Enjoy the photos!
As I mentioned, I have gone over the pass to Telluride to pick up the steel I have ordered for the roof. This short stack of steel corrugated roofing weighs over 4,000 lbs and my order has included all the steel, flashings, felt and screws to attach the metal. Up here the popular steel is one that rusts and blends into the surrounding historical district. That's right a roof that rusts. I definitely notice the extra weight on my trailer coming up and over the pass.
Pat and R.D. have continued with window installation in the upper section of the main part of the house. By tomorrow we should have a majority of the windows installed.
Greenbay and Bill have now completed all of the exterior walls of the master suite and these are actually the final exterior walls we will be framing. It has been a major job that is coming to a close soon. At the end of the day Greenbay has cut the peak on the the top ridge beam and tomorrow this will be set in place. Bill has continued with cutting Tyvek house wrap for the few places on the 2nd floor that need completion.
I have recruited Bruce, aka Smiley, for helping me in the cleanup and organization of the place. Within an hour we have the 2nd floor and lumber area out back looking considerably better. Gary Gass, another carpenter here in Rico, shows up to take a look at the roof where he and Pat will start installing the roof panels tomorrow. Hopefully Hagen will be along shortly to complete the fireplace chimney soon.
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