Bill left yesterday for a trip to the Grand Canyon and will return on Monday. R.D. and Pat install the skylight in the morning, so Pat can run the bituthane around the skylight as well as the flashing for the metal roof.
R. D. and I move downstairs and tackle the two windows in the north cabin living room. It doesn't take us long and the windows are in. R.D. takes off early to head out for a golf weekend.
I have had the job of unstacking and restacking a load of reclaimed shiplap so I can get to the heart pine decking lower in the stack. We will use this for decking on the rafters of the master suite. The final part of the day I set up the sawhorses and a straight rip guide to straight line the heart pine and ready it for roof. I have also covered up as much lumber as possible as there is small chance of rain tomorrow. Hopefully it won't rain or snow much, but looks like a major snow storm coming in Thursday. We have to get the roof on.
Gary and Pat are progressing on the roof, but it's not going at the rate I would like to see. Hopefully Monday we can really crank on it and get it completed. Greenbay has been cutting barge rafters and lookouts from the pile of white oak rafters I've selected. He comments that many of the rafters are really furniture grade quarter sawn oak and he can count the total knots on all the roof rafters on less than 2 hands. It's nice stuff, almost too nice to use for rafters, but they are on the roof, nearly ready for decking.
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