Tuesday, August 22, 2006

August 17th - Flooring Day

It’s a day for flooring and Greenbay, D D and I spend the day laying out and installing the Warm Board. It really is great stuff and a breeze to install once we get going. It’s very much like installing regular subfloor except that care has to be taken in lining up tubing grooves for the in-floor heating and to make sure that our returns line up across the room. Hopefully you can see from the pictures what the stuff looks like. The green color you see in the pictures is the color of the aluminum skin on top each sheet that helps conduct heat from the tubing that will be installed down the road.

Fabian continues with back fill as Susan keeps hauling in more and more gravel. There is such a demand for gravel in these parts these days, we have had to substitute different size rock untils the quarries catch up on production.

DD and I unload the remainder of the logs from the trailer and cover them with plastic to try and keep everything dry.. Joe and I discuss and finalize window details and rough opening sizes. Joe will put the windows out for bid to several different companies. Besides the old leaded glass windows I’ve brought with me, we have 32 new windows going in. Lots of work ahead.

Tonight we were relieved to be out of our little apt and have dinner with our new friends, Joe and Kathy. Chef Joe has a new recipe for pork loin that is quite tasty. 2 bottles of wine down and Lynn and I head for home. Tomorrow we are headed to Albuquerque to pick up a Power Wagon. We have a long trip ahead of us....

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