Sunday, October 15, 2006

Oct 12th - Rip Guide

Greenbay has picked up an older commercial table saw and after cleaning up the table top with a portable grinder and fine paper, we've set the table saw up to finish ripping down the material for the roof decking. Pat has been up on the roof nailing decking down and it's coming together nicely. What a treat it will be to get dried in.

Pat, along with R.D., continues nailing the decking up on the south side and by the end of the day have reached the peak of the roof. Pat has moved more roof decking to the alley and Greenbay and I set up the saw to straightline any lumber that isn't straight. He has plenty of experience and shows me an easy way to straightline the boards by using an brad air nailer. We simply tack the straight edge on to one side of each board, run it through the table saw and then with one good edge, we now rip down the entire stack into several different widths, depending on what I had in the stack. The material from this stack is a combination of aspen and pine, that I was able to find near here over 10 years ago. I hauled it back to Iowa and now 10 years later I have hauled it back...doesn't make much sense does it, but at least I get to use it.

I've gone to the town hall this morning and Jack and Lynn have met with Jennifer to ask about the possibilities of putting up a ham radio tower. Jennifer is very helpful and recommends several areas for them to look. I hope they make the move and find what they are looking for.

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