Saturday, October 21, 2006

Oct 20th - The Ice Man Cometh

Today is insulated panel day and a day for cutting the large styrofoam panels to deck the roof with. Greenbay has called the large panels "ice" and he is the ice man and chosen ice cutter. Our new tool, called a SIPS groover, heats up quickly and by setting the depth correctly, you can easily notch the edges of the panels with heat to fit over the 2' x 10' rim joist; it's a quick and styrofoam bead-free way to cut back the styrofoam without having the entire town of Rico covered with fake snow...

Pat and R.D. are on the roof completing the perimeter 2' x10' rim joists and the panels while Greenbay does the cutting. I have had to take a quick trip over the hill to Telluride to take care of some banking. After lunch I have taken on the task of compiling a list of roofing metal and flashings we will need to complete the roof. With all the different roofs, metal foundation covers and garage door metal facade, we have our work cut out for us. I am amazed how quickly the crew works and by end of the day, the entire south roof of the structure is covered and papered in for the little bit of snowy weather coming tonight.

Barbara has returned with a friend and is near completing the chinking on the original cabin. It is a tedious job that requires insulating blankets being applied to the outer walls once the chinking is done to keep the material from freezing. It looks absolutely great and should help keep the critters out.

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