Monday, October 16, 2006

Oct 16th - Closed In

Jack and Lynn left early this morning, we miss them already.

Pat has begun the process of completing the OSB installation all over the front gable and west walls. R. D. shows up at noon and between them they complete the cutting of the overhanging decking on the west gable. Using the material handler Pat lifts R.D. up near the top of the gable to complete the nailing and installation of the OSB. What a time saver the material handler is, only one day remaining on the rental. Tyvek house wrap is next and while they are up near the top they tackle tacking the Tyvek up on the gable end which will save a ton of time. The west gable end is ready for windows.

Greenbay and I have completed the framing of the bathroom and laundry walls by noon. They are up and now the 2nd floor rooms are beginning to take shape. Once finished we move up to the upper level and begin framing the west gable end. We have completed sheeting the wall laid out on the floor and with Pat and R.D.'s help, we stand the tall wall up - it fits perfectly.

Tomorrow we will complete the other 3 walls. One problem is the location of the door and I realize it will have to move 12" to the north because of the low head room in the vaulted area over the 2nd floor. It shouldn't be too tough, but will have to be done.

Cold and snow headed our way tomorrow night...if the weather can just hold a little longer we can have the entire house dried in within a week.

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