The snow is piled up and this morning I spent several hours shoveling and sweeping snow off lumber piles and the master suite floor. At least 4" accumulation and more on the way, but today the sky is a crystal blue and a welcome change.
Today Pat, R.D. and I erected the scaffold jacks. I had brought 3 with me and Pat had 4. The pump jacks are terrific scaffolding that you pump with your foot while on the scaffold. The entire scaffold is supported on doubled up 2 x 4's that are stood up on the corners of the house. It makes it easy for moving the scaffolding up and down the wall. We have enough jacks installed that we can access most any area of the front portion of the house. Tommorrow we will start erecting the 2' x 10's around the perimeter of the roof and begin the installation of the insulated panels.
Greenbay and I have continued on the the aspen log structure, installing the door and window bucks which will allow us to easily install the windows and doors which isn't far off. We have had to channel the log ends to install a tight fitting vertical brace to keep the log ends around the opening in a stable position. We continue to frame and close up misc openings on the first floor. Barbara, our log chinker, starts tommorrow...
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