I’ve gone over to the cabin this morning to drill some of large holes needed to run the plumbing pipes through.
Lynn and Max come by a bit later and I stop work and we take off on foot over the Dolores River and up the side on an old mountain road. Not far up are the remains of another old mine shaft, complete with mining rails and mining cars down below. The entrance to shaft is partially caved in. We continue up the road.
It is a beautiful day with alternating sun and cloud cover. We never see a soul it seems when we walk and it's just good to be out in nature again. After our 3 hour walk which took us nearly to the top, we return in the rain. After a quick rinse of our muddy pooch we head off to the Argentine Grill for our weekly Sunday brunch. We will miss the hotel when it closes in 3 weeks.
Back at the cabin I continue with the plumbing for several more hours with a good part of the time spent in the crawl space while above it rains on & off all afternoon. By 5 o'clock I have completed all the drain rough-in plumbing for the first floors and have drains and vents run above the 2nd floor. I am pleased with the job and relieved to have it completed.
Since I am down in the crawl space I take the trouble light back under the newly erected cabin. When I look up I see something that I don’t like. Mold is beginning to form on the bottom side of the floor and on the soggy floor joists. It is a bit disheartening that its can creep in so fast. With a saw I mark and cut out several areas on the north and south walls for crawl space vents. They should have been installed earlier for good ventilation and I am kicking myself for not having done so. I stop off at Greenbays to borrow his fans, take them back to the house, into the crawl space and turn them on. I have to get air drying this the crawl space out just as soon as possible.
Tonight as I sit down to write, I am contacted by my good friend, Surin, from Thailand via Skype. Today I have received his Skype instant message via satellite from deep within Thungyai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary. It is yet another milestone for the Western Forest Conservation Club and the country of Thailand to now have internet and satellite communications between two of Thailand ’s largest wildlife sanctuaries. Please take time to visit their great website and see what this profoundly dedicated organization is up to and be sure to read about our recent trip there in February 2006 at www.thungyai.org
technorati tags:Rico, Colorado, reclaimed+lumber, architectural+salvage, log+cabin, hand+hewn+timbers
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