Saturday, September 23, 2006

Sept 22nd - Winter Snow on 1st Day of Fall

It's dark outside when I wake up sometime during the wee hours and it’s raining. I go back to sleep and wake up at dawn only to see snow on the ground and more coming. I decide to go to Cortez today for supplies and think I'd better leave early as the snow is now really coming down and very wet.

I don’t see the tracks in the snow in our front yard, but Lynn tells me tonite that Cody, our landlord, saw them this morning. We had a visitor in the night…a large cat…and not the household kind. Yes, we had a mountain lion walk through the yard last night.

The snow is heavy down the canyon to the county line and then lightens up with only sleet and rain. I make a stop to pick up the manifold for my water system, some stove pipe parts we will need for tying the wood stove into the fireplace chimney, my usual trip to Belt Salvage where I pick up all thread couplers which are 1/10th the price of new ones. We will use these in assembling the garage log cabin. Also 2 plastic scoop snow shovels which DD has recommended (snow doesn’t stick to 'em). A trip to WalMart and I find a better work coat, a shirt and some waterproof insulated boots…and an electric heater to keep the cabin from freezing.

I stop and pick up the old ranch house rocker I bought several weeks ago from an antique shop. John Green helps me load the rocker. He asks me if I am related to the Butlers around here. He knew my uncle well…”You know where I picked this old rocker up?” he asks. I would love to know (it makes for good stories). This rocker I took as trade for making Linda Gray some cabinet handles out of railroad spikes…you remember Linda Gray aka Sue Ellen Ewing on the hit TV drama, Dallas. Turns out she has a ranch up on the west fork of the Dolores River. I love the old red rocker with dates, initials and brands carved into the arms and seat.

I’ve gone to Cortez to drop off my diesel Dodge to have it fixed......again. It has lost power since I had it worked on a few weeks ago. While it's being fixed, they drop me at WalMart. I call my cousin, Grace, and she comes to pick me up and takes me to her friend Pete’s house. I enjoy my visit, seeing his shop and his metal handiwork around the house. He has some great ideas for tables, beds and lamps.

Grace takes me back to the dealer and I pick up the truck. Grace has agreed to let me store the rocker in her old restored cabin. It’s a great home for it until I get the house completed.

Back in Dolores I stop at my 2nd cousin’s house. I haven’t see Dottie in 8 years. I have a great visit with her and neighbors and now back to Rico.

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