We are continuing to stack the logs of the old aspen cabin, constructing new corner pieces as needed and planing or cutting bottoms and tops of logs for a snug fit. I am amazed at how good most of the logs fit. As we near the top of the walls, horizontal dimensions are important as the corners must stack so they are plumb and true. By the end of the day we are nearing the top with only 2 courses of logs remaining.
Joe and DD have brought the hand hewn ceiling joists up from the lumber yard and stacked them on the new floor for us. We will need these before installing the final logs as they will sandwich between the upper courses of logs into mortised notches at the top of the wall. Once up, the tricky part will be cutting the very top logs for fastening our 2 new floor joists to. This floor must end up at the same level as the rest of the first floor which will be challenging.
We’ve left a large portion of the south wall out for 2 reasons. Logs in this one area, were particularly in bad shape as an animal had chewed on the ends of the logs near the door opening. Because the new masonry fireplace will be near the door opening, we’ve enlarged it to nearly 7’ to create a more open living room. Only the two top logs will remain uncut.Joe and DD have attached 2 x 4s to the concrete walls in the bath. These will give me a surface to attach my Mana-Bloc water manifold in the mechanical room as well as a backing for the old marble vanity in the bathroom.
Fabian and Dylan have now connected the sewer line between the house and tank, installed the small concrete distribution box. The engineer arrives again to do a final inspection before the lines are covered with one more layer of gravel. Road cloth is laid over the gravel fill and Dave begins backfilling the remainder of the hole with dirt which has been piled in the alley behind the house. It is truly unbelievable how many 100’s of cubic yards of dirt have been moved on this job.
We have only the water line to hook up to the meter in the street, the water tap off the main line in the street and a propane line to install from the propane tank which will be located on the southeast corner of the property.
Greenbay has had to leave by 4pm and I finish the day by cutting and shaping one of the logs on the south wall to allow a full log a good fit on top of the entire wall. Lynn shows up near quitting time and she helps me cover the walls with plastic, which will be a daily chore until we finish the log walls. Because the logs have been sprayed with the Boracare, we have to keep them dry. This will require us leaving a plastic barrier over the logs until the roof is dried in.
Tonite Lynn and I drove to Dolores to meet our good friends Arthur and Christine. Their son, Willie, is playing in a high school football game and his team, the Bayfield Wolverines, is playing the Dolores Bears. They end up losing the game. Oh well, can't win 'em all.
Before the game, Lynn and I enjoyed a good steak at the Naked Moose Restaurant. Max, our Maltese, is in attendance, and has a field day on the field and is excited by all the folks around…
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