Saturday, September 23, 2006

Sept 21st - Mayor Joe is in the House

We’ve spent the morning dissassembling tents, sweeping off slabs and removing melting snow and standing water on the 2nd floor. There is mud everywhere and the 4” is melting quickly.

Joe has just taken on the job of Rico mayor…congratulations Joe?! He is replacing the former mayor, who resigned several months ago, and will finish out the term.

Joe and Greenbay begin framing the west wall of the north upstairs bedroom. The top of the vaulted ceiling area of the wall is nearly 18’ high. DD helps me cover lumber and concrete with 2 layers of plastic.

This morning the slabs are still putting off heat from the calcium. The patios are still soft and luckily with a wire brush I can put the broom finish back on the areas that were marked from draped plastic.

Meanwhile, Pat has taken the material handler and we begin moving the lumber we need to the back of the alley. We moved the complete set of logs that will become the garage walls to where they will be handy when we install them. Some of the heavy oak logs weigh as much as 400 lbs each. Pat has also moved the old rafters up from the lumber yard as well as the ridge beams required for the rafters.

By 5:30 we are ready to stand the completed wall up. It takes all of us to stand it up and we brace the wall with diagonal braces to keep it upright. Pat and I have drilled and bolted the treated 6 x 6’s down on to the north and south foundation walls of the garage. We are ready for logs. We cover up with plastic and sheets of OSB; another winter storm is forecast for tonight.

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